2:32 PM
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Since I live in Oklahoma, where the wind certainly does come sweepin down the plain, I had a lot of pics to choose from! This bridal session was really fun, but very windy, and with a cathedral length train, it wasn't easy! We just went with it though and got some really fun shots like this one!
11:15 AM
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The winner of the macro flower giveaway is Shannon! Shannon, just email me at and let me know which flower photo you want to receive and give me your address. Thanks everyone!
7:05 AM
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I tried to get a good picture of my girls the other day but of course they never look at the camera at the same time, well sometimes they do but usually one of them is crying. Anyway, I happened to get this one and when I got it home I almost deleted it because it wasn't completely in focus. I had my mouse on the red X and then thought, man I really like their faces in this, maybe I can do something to it. So I played around and ended up loving it. I'm so glad I didn't delete it! And I think it's so much better that they're doing their own thing, rather than looking at the camera, so much more natural this way! I just had a big 11x17 framed for their room and it looks so cute!
3:29 PM
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Spring is here and what can I say? I'm excited! Beautiful weather, the kids playing outside and of course flowers! I'm excited to get to use my macro lens this spring and summer on some beautiful flowers! These are actually some flowers that the hubs brought home as a surprise the other day.
I'll announce a winner on Monday, April 4th!
Let me know if you would like a print of one of these photos! If you share this link on Facebook or your blog, leave a comment here and let me know and your name will be entered to win an 8x10 of your choice!
10:09 AM
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8:46 PM
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The theme this week is "Sun Flare". Now if you guys know me, you know I love a good sun flare and I had a lot of fun catching them during my fall photoshoots last year. That being said, I had a ton of sun flare photos to choose from. I sometimes add in a sun flare to a picture if it looks appropriate or natural but this was not added in. I love the naturalness of this photo and the expression on his face.
This is my talented brother-in-law Joe by the way. I did these photos for his website: Head over there and check out his music and more of the photos I did for his shoot.
Also head over to and check out all the other sun flare photos. You're sure to be inspired by what you see! Thanks for stopping by!
12:22 PM
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Last week I had three photoshoots, which is not unusual. The weird thing about all of them was that they were all newborn shoots. It was so much fun! I love doing newborn shoots. The first was with this beautiful baby Avery.
Next up were Owen and Maddeleine, the little peas in a pod! Isn't that peapod the best? Shannon Meredith made it and she does such a good job! Check out her Etsy shop here:
And my last shoot was with Victor. Check out those baby blues! His hat was also made by Shannon Meredith. I tell ya what, she's talented!
6:10 AM
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I took this picture of my daughter Vivian while we were snowed in during "Snoklahoma 2010". The snow outside made the most beautiful light for photos in my dining room and Viv has finally started to let me take her picture again. She even let me dress her up and fix her hair and everything! So much fun! She's wearing my coat and headband, so maybe that helped a little. Anyway, I had to choose this photo because I think she looks stunning!
Go to to see more entries! It's people's choice week, so stop back back in a couple of days and vote for me please!
10:21 AM
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This is a shot I took the other day during a book/website photoshoot and just loved the look of her hands and the reflection in the table. To see more photos without a face, go to Ironic isn't it?
5:59 AM
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I just did these photos over the weekend at my parents' farm with my beautiful niece Addi. Thank goodness we did some by this red wall! I knew just which picture to enter this week! Have a great Valentine's Day!
To see more red photos, go to
6:22 AM
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It's Hearts week over on I Heart Faces, they're a little partial to the word Heart I think! Anyway, I knew immediately which photo I was going to use. This photo was taken this past fall during an engagement shoot. We were taking pictures in this beautiful flower garden and I saw a bunch of flowers in the shape of a heart so we used that for several of our shots. Here's one of my favorites!
To see more Hearts, go to Have a great week!
10:02 AM
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More to come as soon as I can get them all edited!
Crochet hat and diaper covers by Shannon Meredith.
Here's her website:
Here's her Etsy shop:
8:16 AM
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It's been a while since I've participated in Fixit Friday, (everytime I type that, I write Fixity Friday) but since we've been snowed in for days, I had time! Here's the before picture:
And here's my edit: I took the yellow out of the picture using my color balance, did a seventies action and added a fun texture. I also rotated it and cropped it so it was a little more interesting!
6:25 PM
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This is the third shoot I've had with this adorable little girl and she is always so happy and fun to work with! Here are some of my favorites:
7:40 PM
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The theme for this week's I Heart Faces contest is the best face photo you've taken in January 2011. I looked back at my calendar to remind myself of what shoots I'd done and had several to choose from. Then I remembered baby Gabe! I had the privilege of going into the operating room with a good friend of mine and capturing the first few moments of her son's life! I had been back behind the curtain the whole time and figured that is where I would stay. I had no idea that the doctor would call me over when they were pulling him out. I didn't even have time to adjust my settings on my camera, I just ran around and saw him make his entrance into the world! Tear immediately came to my eyes and it was such a wonderful moment! I had to choose this photo as my I Heart Faces entry for this week!
To see more entries, go to
5:39 PM
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I chose this photo of my daughter Vivian on a trip to the historic round barn at Arcadia. I caught her in a moment and have loved this photo ever since. To see what she's looking at, click
here for the original blog post about our trip. It's a pretty amazing barn!
To see more innocent wonder, go to
7:38 PM
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Thanks to everyone who entered, I loved all of your photos and my decision was a tough one! But first let's get to the winner of the Peach Orchard print. I did an online random number generator and it said that the winner was number 9 Christy! What's cool about this is that out of all of the people who entered, she is the only one who is from my hometown, where this picture was taken! She was also my highschool yearbook teacher! Congrats Christy, email me at and send me your mailing address! Now for the winner of this week's contest:
I chose this photo from Angie because I kept going back to look at it! It's so beautiful and it reminds me of so many things in my own life! Great job Riz, you have won $15 off your next photoshoot with me. Thanks everyone for participating!
6:00 AM
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This fall I did a lot of family photoshoots. I mean a lot! It was a lot of fun, there were some easy ones, some more challenging ones and each one was a different experience. This shoot was a long awaited one for sure. This picture is the daughter of a good friend of mine. My friend moved away about five years ago and is now back with her husband and two daughters. I am so lucky to get to spend time with her and her babies now and to take their pictures! Especially in moments like the one below. Pure joy!
To see more smile shots, go to And smile at a stranger today, even if they don't smile back, it'll make them wonder!
6:17 AM
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Okay guys, this week's contest is your absolute favorite photo that you took last year! I had to choose between this one and the Glendalough Cemetary Picture, but I think this one wins. It's from my hometown and that means something to me! To mix it up a little bit this week, there will be a prize! Everyone who enters will be in a drawing for an 8x10 matted print of this peach orchard photo. The winner will get $15 off their next photoshoot with me! So let me see your favorite photos from 2010! You have until Monday at noon and the winner will be announced Monday night!
8:17 PM
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Thanks for all the nice comments on my photo of Vivian that I entered into the I Heart Faces best face contest for 2010. Now, please head to their website and vote for my photo, #34!
Thank you!
7:14 AM
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Here's my entry, and deciding on which photo to use was very hard! I polled some of my Facebook friends and the overwhelming response was to use this photo! I love the excitement on her face and I love this girl. I hope you like it! To see more best face photos, head over to